Minggu, 18 Mei 2008


Michael is one of the four archangels (with Izrail, Israfil and Jibrail), and one of the two angels, with Gabriel, named in Qur'an.

In the Qur'an Michael is mentioned once only, in Sura 2:98. In his commentary on verse 91 of that sura, Baiḍawi relates that on one occasion Omar went into a Jewish school and inquired concerning Gabriel. The pupils said he was their enemy, but that Michael was a good angel, bringing peace and plenty. In answer to Omar's question as to the respective positions of Michael and Gabriel in God's presence, they said that Gabriel was on His right hand and Michael on His left. Omar exclaimed at their untruthfulness, and declared that whoever was an enemy to God's angels, to him God would be an enemy. Upon returning to Muhammad, Omar found that Gabriel had forestalled him by revealing the same message, which is contained in verse 92. Muslim commentators state with reference to Sura 11:72 that Michael was one of the three angels who visited Abraham.

On his death-bed Muhammed stated that Gabriel would be the first and Michael the second to pray over him.

Michael, or Mikhail, is also believed to be the angel associated with the delivery of blessings.

In Islam, it is popularly believed that there are countless angels. Therefore, it is also popularly believed that the named angels are the head of departments; i.e. Michael is the chief angel of blessings.

Michael is often depicted as the Archangel of mercy who is responsible of bringing rain and thunder to Earth. He is also responsible for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life.

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