Minggu, 18 Mei 2008

Israfil / Raphael

(or Israafiyl or Raphael). According to the Hadith, Israfil is the Angel responsible for signalling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing a horn and sending out a Blast of Truth. It translates to Hebrew as Raphael. The blowing of the trumpet is described in many places in Quran. It is said that the first blow will destroy everything [Qur'an 69:13], while the second blow will bring all human beings back to life again [Qur'an 36:51].
Israfil (Raphael in Arabic) is the Angel responsible for signalling the coming of Judgment Day by blowing the horn (namely Sûr) and sending out a "Blast of Truth". Unlike Jibrail(Gabriel) and Mikail(Michael), this archangel was not mentioned by name in the Quran.

The Sûr will be blown two times. The first blow of the Sûr signals the beginning of the Judgment Day and with the second blow, all the souls are gathered somewhere between heaven and hell, and interrogated for their good deeds and sins.

In Heaven a spirit doth dwell
Whose heart-strings are a lute;
None sing so wildly well
As the angel Israfel,
And the giddy stars (so legends tell),
Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell
Of his voice, all mute.

Malaikat Israfil adalah malaikat yang akan meniup sangkakala yang menandakan datangnya hari kiamat.Ketika Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala,seluruh umat akan berbondong-bondong sebagai perbuatan yang telah mereka lakukan.Jika amal kebaikannya lebih berat dari amal keburukan,niscaya dia akan masuk surga.Dan kalau sebaliknya,maka akan memasuki neraka Hawiyah.Tahukah kamu apa neraka Hawiyah itu? Yaitu api yang sangat panas.

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